The inter tournament is back, but the stakes have risen, winners will recieve over 50 dollars worth of RP, to enter please talk to Steve John on the tournament chat on facebook, requirements include being unranked and being in the inter gaming group, people playing in the previous mrgs inter tournament may enter unless you are in a league. THank you. PREVIOUS WINNERS -Team Miami madrid venomist louyfbgy -Team swekswek iAqux Poison Lemons -The oceania allstarz xSahz The Kingx justicenoob -TeAm JACOB 3picwargasm ignite yo -THE RETurds Trolldad99 mickeymouseh -Tehgreatmobydik Upendra all i g0t -theswagfagZ lindsay lohan 88 stanzg -RIOt nasus blair pls javier7140 -BoBs BoB98 bucca -Nightmare marley196 matzkee DRAW AND GAMES Round 1: Team Miami madrid>Nightmare RIOt nasus>theswagfagZ THE RETurds>theoceania allstarz- the oceania allstars are winners of this round as the opposing team had been smurfing TeAm JACOB>Tehgreatmobydik Team swekswek>BoBs Round 2: Team Miami madrid>RIOt nasus Team swekswek>theoceania allstarz BYE TeAm JACOB Round 3: TeAm JACOB>RIOt nasus TeAm JACOB>theoceania allstarz theoceania allstarz>RIOt nasus RIOT NASUS KNOCKED OUT SEMI FINALS: Team Miami madrid>TeAm JACOB Team swekswek>theoceania allstarz FINALS: Team Miami madrid>Team swekswek THIRD PLACE: theoceania allstarz>TeAm JACOB TEAM MIAMI MADRID WIN!!!!!!!!!!!